Have you noticed there is a small word inscribed on each and every one of our products?
Our first breakthrough discovery, our signature ingredient, our trademark.
The Beginning of It All
In 1989, AHAVA’s scientific team laid the cornerstone of what has become a revolution in skin hydration and the first in a series of our breakthrough formulas.

The Effect
What will you get? Superior hydration, improved nutrition,, strengthening of skin’s protective barrier
What will you see? Enhanced suppleness and smoothness, youthful luminosity, lessened effects of aging.
And what will you feel? The sheer comfort of intensely moisturized and nourished skin. All day long.

The Content
What else than the mineral-rich Dead Sea water, you say? You are right!
However, …
If the Dead Sea was a vineyard, OsmoterTM would be a handful of the very finest, grapes.
The exquisite extract is collected in one, of the many natural pools surrounding the main body of the Dead Sea, over the span of one month, each year only, at a specific hour, and temperature,, when the mineral composition is the perfectly accurate, blend most beneficial to human skin.
Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Sodium
…and tens of other skin-enhancing minerals in the perfect ratio.
Unquestionably, OsmoterTM is the Grand Cru wine. of cosmetic ingredients!

The Science
The natural magic of osmosis. Osmoter™ is a highly mineralized, concentrated substance. When applied on epidermis, the outer layer of skin, moisture and essential minerals already present in the body are drawn. to epidermis from within., in the body’s constant effort to maintain osmotic balance.
Epidermis is often undernourished and insufficiently hydrated as it gets less blood flow than the deeper layers of skin and ions are too large to penetrate skin cells by outer application - stimulating the body to supply water and vital nutrients via osmoregulation is an extraordinarily effective way of bringing them where they are needed the most to keep skin supremely hydrated and nourished.
Just How Exclusive?
Only AHAVA’s scientists have conducted research on the Osmoter™ extract and its efficacy and know its exact mineral composition.
AHAVA’s findings about the effects of Osmoter™ on human skin have been published in world-renowned medical journals.

The Products

The Products